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Poster King Lear film Alexander Barnett 

  Lear and His Daughters - Character Notes

Lear is a man of massive emotions, uncontrollable passions, dictatorial, uncompromising, magnificently charismatic, a brilliant politician, an iron-fisted leader, totally opinionated, egotistical, dogmatic, and overbearing.  He inspires in some enormous love, devotion, respect and loyalty; in others, loathing and contempt.

Goneril is utterly ruthless, totally compulsive, paranoid, devious, vitriolic.  She is never at peace, never satisfied,

The Why of Shakespeare?

Frequently I see posed the question: “Is Shakespeare important and relevant to our modern world?” followed by its concomitant: “If so, why?”


So long as human beings survive, Shakespeare’s importance and relevance is timeless because:

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King Lear in US and Canada Libraries
We are very pleased to learn that Hoopla Digital has ordered the film of  King LearHoopla Digital is a North American streaming media service.  It allows users throughout the US and Canada to borrow digital movies with library cards. 



      Kent (Peter Holdway) tries to console  Lear (Alexander Barnett)
 Playing Cordelia